

Innovation in Working Methods
New way of Working
System Improvements
Unified Member Titles
Frequent Feedback-Based Absolute Evaluation
Collaboration-based Group Reward System
Autonomous Seating System
Changes in Space
Agile & Innovation
Flexibility & Autonomy
Community & Diversity
Art & Heritage
Environment & Sustainability
GS Energy's working style can be summarized as <Agile>, <Open & Challenge>, <One Team>
  1. 1Agile involves being sensitive to changes in the business, identifying issues, and focusing the company's resources on problem-solving related to these issues.
    It emphasizes small, rapid experiments and verifications by defining problems from the customer's perspective and repeatedly verifying solutions.
  2. 2Open & Challenge represents a working style where individuals voluntarily set goals, challenge themselves, and willingly engage in tasks they have not tried before. It involves gaining practical expertise and expanding influence through experiences and learning in various fields and roles.
  3. 3One Team is based on the belief that innovation and growth can never be achieved alone. It emphasizes collaboration across the organization to work as one team, constantly innovating and growing together to achieve common goals, both at the organizational and individual levels.

To support these working styles, GS Energy initiated changes in job titles and performance management systems in 2020. In 2021 and 2022,
workspace transformations were carried out. In 2023, further improvements are being implemented, focusing on fine-tuning workspace and performance management to help establish these working styles effectively. Team-based change management is also being promoted from various perspectives.

From a systemic perspective, in order to promote a culture of decentralization and horizontal hierarchy, GS Energy has unified titles for employees up to the manager level under the single title of 'Manager.' The company has also introduced an ongoing feedback-based absolute evaluation system.
Furthermore, the company has decoupled performance evaluation from compensation, aiming to recognize performance from various perspectives and strengthen recognition of collaboration.

In addition to this, the company has brought about significant changes in their physical workspaces. Previously hierarchical and uniform spaces have transformed into environments represented by keywords such as "Agile & Innovation," "Flexibility & Autonomy," "Community & Diversity," "Art & Heritage," and "Environment & Sustainability."
In these new spaces, both formal interactions and various forms of casual interactions are encouraged. They allow for the fulfillment and expression of both community and individual creativity. Members can freely concentrate on their work. The new community spaces enable a coexistence of community and individuality, concentration, and relaxation. GS Energy's members can feel a sense of belonging and pride as part of the organization.
In 2022, the company introduced a fully autonomous seating system, promoting collaboration and the One Team spirit through serendipitous encounters. In 2023, it is further improving the autonomous seating system on a departmental basis to define the subject of performance as the Team and maximize team performance.

New Values for GS Energy’s Working Space


A space where formal and casual interactions harmonize, satisfying both the community and individual creativity simultaneously


An efficiency-enhancing platform that accommodates various needs of the members through flexible workspace arrangements and diverse work environments


A space where extroversion and introversion, individual and group activities, focus and relaxation, as well as the coexistence and balance of nature and digital elements create diverse encounters


A space that infuses contemporary aesthetics into Korean aesthetics, providing motivation, a sense of belonging, and dignified rewards


A space that utilizes nature to foster environmental consciousness and healing, reflecting sustainability and stability in the era of the new normal
여러명의 인간이 손을 지구본에 대고 있는 사진 세 명의 여자가 야외에서 와인잔을 들고 짠 하는 사진
Welfare Programs for Employees and Executives
GS Energy has established various welfare programs to enhance the quality of life for its employees, focusing on areas such as financial stability, self-development, health management, and leisure.

In particular, the company not only invests in efficient working conditions to promote work-life balance but also strives to develop programs that support a happy family life.

Flexible Work Hours
책상 위에서 고양이가 옆에서 노트북 위의 사람 손을 쳐다보고 있는 사진

GS Energy operates a flexible work hour system where employees can determine their working hours within the legal working time on a monthly basis.

Retirement Fund Support
노부부가 타블렛pc 화면을 쳐다보고 있는 사진

The retirement pension system is based on defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) plans, with accumulated benefits based on length of service.
Additionally, the company supports Individual Retirement Pension (IRP) through a matching grant system and introduced a DC-type contribution system at the end of 2021 to assist employees with tax savings.

Status of Retirement
Pension System
Category 2020 2021 2022
Retirement Pension Operating amount 1,852 3,447 5,741
By Type DB(Defined Benefit Plan) 1,800 3,400 5,660
DC(Defined Contribution Plan) 52 47 81
Company Subsidy for IRP 390 436 513
The number of Participants in the Retirement Pension Program 151 167 147

Unit : Million Won, people

Long-term Service and
Retirement Congratulations
음식을 먹고있는 세 명의 사람 사진

The company expresses gratitude for long years of service by offering long-term service congratulations, vacations, and showing respect for retirement.
In particular, it guarantees long-term retirement vacations to support retirement preparation and express our gratitude for retirement.

Optional Welfare Programs
소파에 기대 앉아있는 사람 사진

To support employees and executives' self-development, leisure activities, health, and more, the company operates welfare malls and welfare points systems, allowing employees and executives to use them freely.

Leisure Support Services
열대나무 사이로 보이는 날아가는 비행기 사진

Throughout the year, the company provides various domestic resort facilities and condos at discounted rates to the members. It also operates year-round (some fees may apply) resort facilities for employees to enjoy their breaks.

Maternity Leave Status
Category 2020 2021 2022
Maternity Leave Users Male 3 1 0
Female 0 0 2
Maternity Leave Returnees Male 2 0 1
Female 1 0 0
Maternity Leave Return Rate* 75 - 100
Maternity Leave Retention** 100 100 100

* Maternity Leave Return Rate : The percentage of individuals who returned after taking maternity leave in the previous year within the same year

** Maternity Leave Retention Rate : The percentage of individuals who returned after taking maternity leave in the previous year and had worked for 12 months or more

Unit : people, %

Health Support Services
의사와 면담하는 사람 사진

To promote the health and well-being of employees, their spouses, and children, the company provides financial assistance for medical expenses incurred, relieving the financial burden on households and promoting stability in family life. In addition to group insurance for employees and executives, the company also offers comprehensive health check-ups for employees and their spouses, facilitating proactive health management.

Life Support Services
(Loan Support, Workplace Childcare, Educational Support)
어린이들이 길을 걷고 있는 사진

* Ji Yeseul Daycare Center

To promote housing stability and enhance employee welfare, the company offers low-interest loans for home purchases, marriage, and overall financial stability. Additionally, to reduce the burden of childcare for employees, a workplace childcare center is operated near GS Tower.
Furthermore, the company provides financial support for employees' children's college tuition and offers congratulatory gifts for their admission to university, high school, middle school, and elementary school. For preschool-aged children, a preschool tuition subsidy is provided for a certain period.

Condolence and Funeral Support
관에 손을 잡고 운구하고 있는 사진

The company shares in the joys and sorrows of its employees and executives' families by offering support during times of congratulations and condolences, including funeral assistance.

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