GS Energy includes liquidity risks that may arise from the financial side, financial market fluctuation risks (interest rates and exchange rates, etc.),
Credit rating fluctuation risk and internal control risk are defined as financial risks.
We are reviewing and implementing optimal countermeasures against these financial risks.
GS Energy maintains stable liquidity by thoroughly predicting the balance of funds
while holding an appropriate level of cash and securing a credit line to manage liquidity risks.
In addition, we are continuing to review various procurement measures and diversify
our borrowing portfolios to minimize the risk of refinancing even in the face of financial market fluctuations.
We proactively monitor financial market movements in recent ESG environment changes
to manage possible risks in advance, and respond to investments and businesses
by analyzing the impact of government and financial institutions' ESG-related policies/policy.

GS Energy is continuously monitoring major financial indicators to respond in a timely
manner to risks caused by financial market fluctuations such as interest rates and exchange rates. We are adopting optimal countermeasures to minimize the impact on the company's business
plan by closely analyzing the causes of the fluctuations and preemptively identifying the future direction. In this regard, we are preparing through appropriate hedging methods by appropriately adjusting the proportion of fixed/floating interest rate borrowings in consideration of the risk of interest rate fluctuations, and thoroughly analyzing the risk of exchange rate fluctuations by the company's FX position.

GS Energy strives to maintain a stable credit rating for the trust of the company's investors and customers. When deliberating/approving business and investment plans, mid- to long-term
financial ratio verification items are included in the decision-making process of the top
management to minimize negative effects on credit ratings.
In addition, systematic management
of the appropriate financial ratio is carried out by carefully analyzing the effects of various
situations, such as changes in the company's direction and financial market, on changes in borrowings by scenario.

GS Energy operates an internal accounting management system in accordance with laws and regulations to establish a system to increase transparency and reliability in the financial reporting process from the calculation of financial information to disclosure.
It introduces a reasonable and consistent accounting policy to ensure the reliability of financial information and provides objective information for investors' decision-making