

Personnel System and Structure
Right People

GS Energy has formulated and is implementing a strategy to secure talents who will lead the future of the energy industry with overflowing passion and creative challenges,
and follows the following Way of Work.

AGILE: 전사 기능/사업 역량을결집하여 다양한 시도와 검증을두려워하지 않는 사람 / OPEN & CHALLENGE: 해보지 않은 사업/ 업무도자발적으로 도전하는 사람 / ONE TEAM: 혁신과 성장을 향한공동의 목표를 위해기꺼이 협업하는 사람 AGILE: 전사 기능/사업 역량을결집하여 다양한 시도와 검증을두려워하지 않는 사람 / OPEN & CHALLENGE: 해보지 않은 사업/ 업무도자발적으로 도전하는 사람 / ONE TEAM: 혁신과 성장을 향한공동의 목표를 위해기꺼이 협업하는 사람
New Recruitment and Job Transfer Status
Category Unit 2020 2021 2022
Total Recruitment Coun* Number of People 21 27 56
Gender Male 14 17 38
Female 7 10 18
By age Less than 30 years 7 9 12
30 ~ 50 years 10 17 37
More than 50 years 4 1 7
Total Number of Job Transfers 10 16 15
Gender Male 9 13 8
Female 1 3 7
By age Less than 30 years 1 3 5
30 ~ 50 years 6 10 9
More than 50 years 3 3 1
Total Job Transfer Rate % 6.5 9.5 7.5
Voluntary Job Transfer Rate** 1.3 6.0 6.0

* Total Recruitment Count : Including executives, regular employees, contract workers, and transfers from affiliated companies, regardless of the reason for their hiring (excluding dispatched workers)
** Voluntary Turnover Rate : Excluding retirements due to youth retirement, service termination, layoffs, and similar reasons

Workforce Status
GS Energy promotes a management approach that respects diversity, ensuring that employees are recruited and promoted without discrimination based on nationality, race, gender, religion, education, region, social status, and other factors.

In particular, for socially disadvantaged groups such as disabled individuals and veterans, considerations like bonus points are applied during the recruitment process.

Composition of Employees and Executives
Category Unit 2020 2021 2022
Total number of employees and executives Number of People 154 168 199
Gender Male 126 133 152
Female 28 35 47
By age Less than 30 years 17 21 24
30 ~ 50 years 110 116 139
More than 50 years 27 31 36
By employment type Regular* 145 157 190
- Male regular employees 124 129 148
- Female regular employees 21 28 42
Contract employees** 9 11 9
- Male Contract employees 2 4 4
- Female Contract employees 7 7 5
Socially disadvantaged individuals People with disabilities 1 1 1
Veterans 2 4 4

* Regular employees : Workers (including executives) without a specified employment period. Contract employees : Workers on a fixed-term employment contract (part-time).

Various indications about Employees and Executives
Category Unit 2020 2021 2022
The percentage of female employees among total employees and executives Number of People 18.2 20.8 23.6
Percentage of women among all managers 6.1 6.1 7.7
Compensation ratio of females to males* Non-managerial positions 90 89 76
Managerial positions 98 108 104

* Due to changes in data calculation standards, the data figures for veterans in 2020 and employee diversity in 2020 and 2021 are corrected to the data in the current report.

Education(Training) System
GS Energy provides an onboarding program that allows new hires to feel like they are becoming a part of GS Energy from the moment they join and gain valuable experiences.

As GS Energy operates in various business fields, departments have the autonomy to allocate budgets for job training. Additionally, each year, outstanding employees are selected to enroll in graduate schools and special courses to support their personal development, expertise enhancement, and network expansion.
In particular, as the global business sector plays a significant role, the company has implemented various foreign language learning support programs, including online, telephone, video conferencing, face-to-face, and individual learning.

Open Innovation

In line with the changes brought about by Digital Transformation, the company Data and DX education programs for those who wish to participate. The company also organizes Hackathons to explore various issues and solutions.

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Fostering Catalyst, Facilitator

Catalyst and Facilitator are fostering programs conducted by the 52g Group Open Innovation Group. Through these programs, GS Energy identifies on-site issues, initiates various projects, and discovers solutions to implement them.

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Employee Training Achievements
Category 2020 2021 2022
The number of Employees and Executives 154 168 199
Total Training Costs* 275 276 399
Training Costs per Employee 1.78 1.64 2.00

* Total Training Costs: Total Training Account Costs (Excluding New Employees)

Unit: people, million KRW, million KRW per person

Role-Centric Positions

GS Energy pursues a role and collaboration-based HR system. In line with this, the company established a role-centric job grading system, and when making promotion decisions, the company evaluates various aspects of the readiness to perform higher-level roles, not just based on seniority or performance.

A(Associate) - Entry, ·  업무기한/지시사상 준수, ·  기초지식 학습, 필요정보 질문/전달 / AM(Associate Manager) - Junior, · 독립업무 책임/수행, · 본인 업무를 근거 제시해 설득/이해 / M(Manager) - Senior, ·  중요 업무 책임지며 조직에 핵심 기여, · 전문성 바탕으로 공동 목표/문제 정의,협력방안 마련, · 다양한 관점의 새로운 접근법 탐색, · 타인의 의견과 능력을 인정하고 협력하며 학습 A(Associate) - Entry, ·  업무기한/지시사상 준수, ·  기초지식 학습, 필요정보 질문/전달 / AM(Associate Manager) - Junior, · 독립업무 책임/수행, · 본인 업무를 근거 제시해 설득/이해 / M(Manager) - Senior, ·  중요 업무 책임지며 조직에 핵심 기여, · 전문성 바탕으로 공동 목표/문제 정의,협력방안 마련, · 다양한 관점의 새로운 접근법 탐색, · 타인의 의견과 능력을 인정하고 협력하며 학습
Single title 'Manager’

Single title 'Manager' is used for a horizontal culture. Job titles are classified based on roles, and evaluations, compensation, and promotions are linked to explicit role expectations.


Promotion is assessed based on the readiness to perform higher-level roles, not solely on seniority and performance accomplishments.

Performance Evaluation and Rewards.

GS Energy aims for both organizational growth and the growth of its members, allowing employees to gain diverse experiences and focus on substantial expertise and expanding their influence.
Performance management and evaluation are conducted through ongoing, multi-faceted, and observation-based absolute assessment rather than annual relative evaluations of objectives.

  • Frequent Goal Setting
  • Frequent Feedback
  • Peer and Manager Reviews at Goal Completion
  • Year-End Evaluation (Absolute Assessment)
Performance Management Process

The company ensures fairness and competitiveness in compensation based on the scope of roles, recognizing and rewarding diverse contributions.
Employees and executives voluntarily set their individual goals based on the organization's objectives and can continuously grow through ongoing feedback with their supervisors and peers. Goals are created and closed throughout the year, and closed goals are documented with performance results and reviews from supervisors and peers.
Year-round goals are evaluated comprehensively, considering objective achievements and the expected level relative to individual competencies. This process is conducted through absolute evaluation.

  • Company-wide performance bonus
  • Individual performance bonus
  • Team performance bonus
  • One Team Present
Rewarding System

The results of the evaluation are used as indicators for development and feedback and are primarily decoupled from compensation, except for some high-performance individuals.
Promotions are based on expected roles, considering performance and peer reviews, with no restrictions beyond a minimum tenure of 2 years based on role grade. The company operates various incentive programs from the perspective of collaboration and organizational rewards.
In addition to company-wide performance bonuses, the company also adopts an individual performance bonus based on personal achievements, team bonuses based on team performance, and incentive programs like "one team present" to express mutual gratitude for collaboration.

Dialogues with Management

The company holds regular management status meetings each year to share the company's direction and performance with various topics for open discussions with executives, including the CEO.

회의를 하고 있는 사람들 손 부분 사진
GSE Round
(Labor-Management Council)

GSE Round is the labor-management council of GS Energy, where representatives from employees and management come together to communicate and establish consensus on various issues. This platform allows for discussions and exchange of opinions on key management status, working conditions, and system improvements, contributing
to the healthy development and communication within the company.

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Change Leader

The company operates Change Leader, a member-centered suggestion system where members directly raise various issues concerning the company's policies, environment, and work methods and work collaboratively to find solutions.

여러명에게 설명을 하고 있는 사람 등 사진

To support the diverse interests and hobbies of our employees and help them network within the company, the company provides opportunities for various club activities.
These club activities, which were temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic, have resumed since 2023.

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